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Lucas Alonso Escritor

viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

Cuento del sábado: El Ermitaño Ingles & Saturday's story: The English Hermit

Un ermitaño inglés

El ermitaño vivía con un grupo de leones. Se había perdido en una expedición, de eso hacía dos años. Nunca lo encontraron. Ahora sólo tenía sus dos valijas: una era la de su chelo y otra, la de la ropa, que iba alternando.
    Gracias a las notas de su violonchelo seguía vivo. Lo visitaban cuando amanecía. Él empezaba a tocar hasta la puesta del sol y los leones le llevaban carne cruda que cocinaba a la noche, bien tarde.
     Un día, mientras tocaba su música, un león macho trató de atacarlo y dos hembras se lo impidieron.
    En su nueva y extraña existencia, el ermitaño tenía una posesión especial. Se trataba de una cortina de grandes y bellas lentejuelas de colores, que había sacado de su casa y que había llevado, para colgar en la cabaña donde iba a hospedarse, si su destino no hubiera cambiado. Ahora, la cortina colgaba de tres maderas que simulaban una puerta, única obra que había llevado a cabo. Los leones, miraban esas grandes lentejuelas que, en sus reflejos, jugaban con el sol mientras él, hacía su música.

An English Hermit

The hermit lived with a group of lions. He had gotten lost in an expedition around two years from now. They never found him. Now he only had his two suitcases: his cello's case and the other, the one carrying the clothes which he used alternately.
Thanks to the notes of his cello he was still alive. They visited him at daybreak. He started playing until sunset and lions brought him raw meat which he cooked at night, very late.
One day, while playing his music, a male lion tried to attack him and two female lions stopped it.
In his new and strange existence, the hermit had a special possession. It was about a bog and beautiful coloured paillette curtain, which he had taken from his home to hang in the cabin where he was to stay, if his destination had not changed. Now, the curtain hung from three timbers that simulated a door, the only work that had been carried out. The lions, watched those big sequins that in their reflections, played with the sun while he played his music.

Traducción: Delfina de la Torre