La Biblioteca
despertó, estaba solo. Había muebles y objetos de fascinante detalle. Eran
repisas y columnas que llegaban hasta una cúpula vidriada. “Es una gran
biblioteca”, se dijo al observar las
ventanas ovaladas que daban a un parque con pastos cortos. El cielo estaba
blanco impoluto y llegaba una luz blanquecina que hacia resaltar el color de
todas las cosas. Pero la visión se cortó cuando oyó la voz musical de su
compañero, que decía:
—¡Al fin has despertado!
—¿Qué paso? ¿Dónde estamos? —preguntó.
—¡Todo anda sobre rieles, Ulises! No hay
nada de que preocuparse. ¡La misión es un éxito!
Ulises meditó un instante y comentó:
—¡Te lavaron el cerebro!
—¡Eso no lo harían nunca!
—Pero Boros… ¿Quiénes son ellos?
El saetiano lo ayudó a incorporarse,
mientras decía:
—Después de que te desmayaste, llegaron
otros seres iguales al primero. El que se te acercó, al no poder comunicarse
contigo, lo hizo conmigo. —Boros hizo una pausa mientras su compañero se
terminaba de incorporar—: Me adelantaron lo que va a suceder. Más tarde nos
trajeron a este lugar.
Cuando terminó de hablar, Boros pareció más
interesado en los libros que en Ulises y se alejó caminando por la biblioteca.
When he woke up, he was alone. There were fascinating pieces of furniture and
objects. They were ledges and columns that reached a glazed
dome. "It's a great library," he told himself as
he stared at the oval windows that opened onto a park with short grasses. The sky was pure white and there was a white light that made the color
of all things stand out.
But the vision was cut when he heard the musical voice
of his companion, who said:
—At last you have awakened!
—What happened? Where we are? —I ask.
—Everything is on rails,
Ulysses! There is nothing to worry about. Mission is a success!
Ulysses considered for a
moment and commented:
—They brainwashed you!
—They would never do that!
—But Boros...
Who are they?
The saetian
helped him to sit up, saying:
—After you
fainted, other beings came to be equal to the first. The one who approached
you, not being able to communicate with you, did it with me. —Boros paused
while his companion was finished incorporating—: They told me what was going to
happen. Later they brought us to this place.
When he had
finished speaking, Boros seemed more interested in books than in Ulysses, and
walked away through the library.
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